The Drill and Fill


Renovate Without Rebuilding and Keep Your Revenue Flowing

Western Canada Distributor for Drill and Fill Specialty Aerification Equipment Manufacturing

Serving Western Canada from BC to Manitoba

Drill through any layers and replace with dry sand or other amendments to a depth of 12".

On a golf green, the Drill & Filll procedure takes 3-5 hours from start to finish depending on the size of the green and other variables.

Sand volumes from 800-1000 lbs/1000 sq ft. (3/4" x 12" drill bit)

Spacing Single Drill & Fill: 7"x7"  

    Double Drill & Fill: 7" x 3.5"

Drill bits available:

3/4" x 12" 

1" x 12" 

Other dill bit sizes available on order.

